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Cowardly Act

Aug 13, 2023Aug 13, 2023

By Gail Travers | on August 30, 2023

To the Editor:

To my complete shock, on a recent Saturday morning I was walking my mini schnauzer down Beach Avenue at Fifth Street in Beach Haven, on the curbside grass, when the man who owned the house there deliberately pointed his hose, forcibly, toward my dog, yelling, “That dog belongs in the street.”

Luckily the water’s force hit the inside of my left ankle, causing a huge hematoma. If it had hit my dog, she would have sustained a serious injury.

I have been in Beach Haven since I was 5 years old. Despite the changes, it remains a haven of peace for me and my family. To that cranky old man, it is a good thing that Judge Judy is off the air; otherwise, you and I could possibly be on national TV where the whole world would know who you are. Attacking a woman legitimately walking her dog along the curb is cowardly.

Mary DiBernardo

Beach Haven

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To the Editor:Mary DiBernardoBeach Haven